Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I don't wanna grow up

Ever have those days where you're all life is great- look what I've accomplished- I'm grown I can do what I want.. n then you're smacked with the reality of being an adult. Being an adult can really suck. Truly.. today all I want is for someone to make me a grilled cheese n tomato soup... or bring me one of those rectangular pizza things from grade school that my friend and I were talking about the other night while drinkin beer at Hooter in MHC (see even doing adult things you want kid things).. yea.. so I want those to eat and I would like play-doh, and an ATARI.. yea.. what??!! I said it.. I want an Atari.. and A club house, and NO BILLS, and to live in someone else's house.. where somone else cleans cause they think I don't know how or that I won't do a good enough job. I wanna like the cake batter off the beaters and lick the cookie dough out of the bowl.. and run around in Wonder Woman underwear.. is this what the beginning of a nervous breakdown feels like ahhaa... hmmm.. I'm off to find play-doh

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